Sunday, July 8, 2012


So far Sawyer's summer has consisted of:

Playing with oodles of trains. 

Swinging at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Visiting with Other Grandma, Aunt Megan and Baby Alex.

Visiting with Other Grandpa.

More Swinging.

Finding mischief like combing his hair with Aunt Megan's waterproof mascara wand. 

And perfecting the "Gee, I'm super sorry, how can you possibly not forgive me" cute face. 

Followed by none other than swinging.

Making mom and dad all sorts of imaginary food, snacks and drinks, but mainly specializing in making coffee. 

And yep, you guessed it, more swinging. 

Good thing we are going on vacation to Coeur d'alene this week because as you can see we have had such an exhausting summer thus far ;)


Sven & Trin said...

I hope there are swings there!

Jason & Shannon said...

So much fun! He is so cute!