Saturday, August 27, 2011

Time Outs and Crafts

Right now multiple fans and a de-humidifier are blowing onto our ripped up pantry floor. They've been going nonstop since Thursday afternoon and will continue until Monday. We've already looked at new vinyl flooring and it's really hard to choose, they all look the same after a while. Lucky for Sawyer, since the pantry area is inaccessible that means no time outs. Due to a ridiculous increase in the amount of whining and fit throwing in the past two weeks we had to designate a 'time out' corner, which ended up being the corner between the door to the garage and the pantry door. I wasn't sure how well time out would work, but so far it's been working like a charm. All we have to say now is, "Time out for_____(fill in the blank with throwing a fit, whining, screaming, etc) and he will walk right over to the corner where he stands for either 30 seconds or up to a minute which we set on the microwave timer. When the timer goes off he knows his times up and can come out where we then hug him and say, okay no more ___(whatever his bad behavior was). The crazy thing is, it actually works! He understands what it means, and he behaves better afterwards. Plus,  I must confess it's pretty dang cute seeing him standing in the corner ;) 

This last week we did our first craft at home. I broke out all my old puffy paint, sequins, glue and glitter and Soyboy went to town. He painted glue, patted on sequins, squeezed a little puffy paint, painted on more glue, sprinkled glitter, more glue, more sequins....and so on and so on.

A little ribbon here and there and a final touch of glue smeared over the top and...

Voila! A masterpiece worth framing. 


HowellAZ said...

Love it! He is sooooo cute standing in time out! ;)
It's amazing how much they can understand while not being able to communicate much. I can understand the frustration level, but man, that whining is just grinding on the ears sometimes!


What a fun idea!