Friday, April 1, 2011

And it was a Sunny Day.

The photo below was supposed to include Sawyer in it, but my aim was obviously off as was my smile. I had to include it though, because check out all those freckles o'mine popping out! That can mean only one thing....that it's springtime!! The sun graced us with it's presence all day yesterday and it made for such a gorgeous day! 

Nothing beats lounging on a blanket, basking in the sun, sipping on a diet coke and playing trains with Sawyer all while listening to Taylor Swift on Matt's Ipad. 

In the afternoon it got downright hot! Or at least it felt like since we've become so accustomed to the colder weather. It was actually only in the upper 60's, maybe the low 70's, but too me that is the perrrrrrrfect temp. 

 I brought out some tupperware and filled them with water. Sawyer had a blast filling up cups and dumping the water back and forth from container to container. 

And then all over himself. 

He still had at least one ear out at all time for any airplanes. His hearing amazes me. He'll be pointing to the sky long before I even hear the rumble of the plane's engine. 

 Speaking of things that amaze me about this kid.....his feet. They are ENORMOUS! We'd been having to wrestle each morning to get each foot wedged into his size 5 shoes. We headed to the shoe department at Target yesterday to look for some new ones. I'm all about buying used clothing, toys, books, you name it....except for shoes. Mostly for the sole reason (haha, sole get it?)  that shoes mold themselves to the unique contour of a person's foot. I don't want Sawyer wearing the shoes of some kid whose feet were shaped differently since it will ultimately affect how his feet grow. Call me crazy, but that's what my 5th grade elementary school teacher told our class when there was a shoe swapping epidemic going around the whole school. All the girls were trading shoes, left and right, every day, at recess and in class. I'm not sure if she just said that to scare us into thinking our feet would become misshapen, but it made sense to me at the time and still does. Anyway,  back to Target. We had the hardest time figuring out what size shoe to buy him. We finally found this chart on the ground that measures each foot. We measured his feet three times and sure enough, he is a size 7!  I thought for sure he wouldn't be able to walk because they seriously looked like clown shoes on him, but he wanted to try them out right then and there and he mastered those clodhoppers just fine. Look like he's destined to be tall after all! At least one can hope because I can't help but laugh every time I see his little body walking around in those ridiculously large shoes. 


HowellAZ said...

GLORIOUS sunshine! Looks like you were loving your warm temps as much as your family members to the south. We really enjoyed it after a month of icky overcast weather. Jett is also really into finding and pointing at planes while he is outside. I always feel a little bad that he's squinting directly in to the sunlight, but I'm sure we all did that as kids and now we can see just fine, right? He is too cute to boot!

Victoria said...

Poor little Sawyer. I'm sure cramming into size 5 shoes with size 7 feet is uncomfortable. If you find that Target shoes don't fit quite right (Ryan cannot wear them because his feet are so square), Payless makes wide width shoes that are awesome and inexpensive :).