Saturday, January 29, 2011

Oy Vey

 It's been a long, long day. If I were being productive right now I'd be completing my Chemistry homework while it's still fresh in my head from class this morning. But I need a break. And that break is coming in the from of writing on my blog about why I need said break.  

Take note of the child in the bath. 
See his glistening upper lip? Yeah, that's not from soap bubbles, that would be icky-sticky-makes-me-want-to-gag s-n-o-t. Eew, my gag reflex just kicked in even typing that word out. 
It's not the poor boy's fault that he caught a cold (darn you whoever took your sick child to nursery at Calvary Chapel on Sunday, I blame you!) and it's also not his fault that his mom has a very strong dislike for anything that comes out of nasal cavities. 

To make his life even more miserable, this poor kid has 4 molars coming in at the same time. 
The two on top are almost through and the bottom two are now wanting to move in. So not only can he not breathe out of his nose making sleeping completely out of the question, but his teeth hurt so much that he's been like a turned on faucet salivating buckets of drool all over his blanket, my blankets, his clothes, my clothes.  He's had very little appetite because of it, hence only munching on toast and crackers the past 4 days. I swear he's lost weight because his pants that used to be tight in the waist were falling off of him today. 
And then there's me, his mom, who should be bending over backwards to take care of him and all I can think is "who is this cranky, screaming, slobbery, boogery child and what have you done with my happy little Sawyer?". I don't know how moms with multiple children do it. I really don't. I have just one child and on days like today even that seems like too much to handle.  I think I may have gotten a big fat F today in the motherhood department of caring for your sick child. I'm determined to be better tomorrow and maybe, just maybe I can bring that F up to at least a B-. 


Shalee said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel! It is so hard to be the good mom you want to be when you're sleep deprived and at your whit's end. Hang in there! Those teeth will be in and his cold will be gone before you know it!

HowellAZ said...

I have to say, even with snot coming out of his nose, that picture of S in the tub is CUTE! However, it is difficult to remember at 3:00 in the morning when you haven't had any sleep - I can verify - Cuteness is not on the menu! :)
Give that little wee one a squeeze from me!

The Nielsons said...

That's when Carter learned to love movies :) I guess it's these hard times that really make you appreciate when they are well and happy and life seems so much easier