Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fast forward 50 years

Saturday night we went to our friend Kyle's 30th birthday bash. The theme of course was old folks since 30 is the new 80. 

For not having a clue as to what we should wear until a few hours before, I think we pulled it off pretty well. 

$2.99 for baby powder to use to gray my hair

$1.00 for brown eye liner for creating wrinkles

A sneak peek of what we could potentially look like in 50 years? Priceless!

Sawyer even got in on the fun and dressed up as Benjamin Button. 

The newly engaged couple Holly and Steve. Tying the knot for the first time at age 90. Their honeymoon may only consist of giving each other sponge baths and going to bed by 7 pm. 

Birthday boy Kyle and his lovely wife Jackie who I might add had a very realistic sagging bosom. (Water balloons I was told). 

And one of my favorite costumes of the night, Victoria and Erik. They looked like a couple out of a Al Pacino movie. 

Here's a close up of Matt's head in case you didn't notice the HUGE bald spot in the photo before. Yep, that was all his idea. A nice finishing touch to complement the whole ensemble. I kept doing a double take of him the whole night because he looked so real as an oldie.  Too real! 

Benjamin Button won first prize for best costume, but unfortunately for him the prize was a spray painted gold pair of depends and while he still wears diapers, those suckers would have been just a little big.

The whole night was a blast and everyone looked hilarious in their costumes. We snacked on "aged" cheeses, played Bingo, and ate pudding and apple pie for dessert. Best birthday party I've ever been to! Matt turns 30 in August now. I gotta get to planning! 


Shalee said...

LOVE IT! You guys are so creative!!! I love Matt's bald head. I did a double take on that first picture and realized he shaved it!!! AWESOME! And thats all I have to say about that!

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

That looks so fun. You guys will make snazzy oldies.

rachel garber said...

First off, you two are so fun. Secondly, CUTE Benji Button. Third - blogged for you my feelings on Lost. Dying to know yours and Matt's. Jealous the legacy will live on with the name of your son :)

Victoria said...

I laughed when I read your description of Steve and Holly's honeymoon. Oh dear...