Sunday, April 25, 2010

Gator Run

 Ran the Gator Run 5k this morning in Simi.
We met my friend Monica there who was running the 10k and snapped a photo with the gator before the race.  

Our pre race photo. I dressed Sawyer in his lizard get up just to keep him warm, but everyone thought he was dressed as a gator and he ended up stealing the whole show!

Just getting started. 
My #1 fan Matt took our picture from the sidelines.  My mother in law came to see me race too so it turned into a really fun Sunday morning. (minus the smelly sweat cloud hovering around the whole park)

3 miles later.....

Silly me ran right past the finish line! I guess I secretly wanted to continue on and run the 10k. Matt was trying to wave me to go to the left so my time would be recorded, but I didn't see him. I finished in 36:20 so averaged a 12 min mile. I wasn't really worried about my time so much as I just wanted to be able to run the whole thing without stopping to walk. And I did! 

Sad Sawyer because we didn't officially "end" the race which means we didn't get our picture taken crossing the finish line. I wonder if because my number wasn't recorded as ever finishing the race, if they think I'm still out there trudging along! Or maybe they'll think I got lost. 

Yay for our first 5k!

Next up....10k for me and eventually half marathon! Lucky for I've got oodles of family and cousins who have completed both halfsies and full marathons that I can look to for inspiration!


Kent and Leisy said...

woohoo! you can totally do a half. it is the best race ever! and congrats on the gator 5k. you look fab! Just keep running and it will happen :) looks like sawyer did pretty well, too. These rugarts get the easy job. I must admit that when I run with my stroller I look more impressive! I'm not crazy fast but when I'm running past people pushing 80+ pounds I look pretty amazing. And also- since I train with the jogger, when I run my longer races without it, they seem so easy!

kimberly said...

Wow, you go girl!!! You look so freakin awesome! And you're son is so stinkin adorable, I LOVE the pic of him standing up in his crib! They're so cute when they get all proud of themselves lol!

HowellAZ said...

Way to go - that is awesome!!! Keep up the good work. You are looking fabulous!

Tiffany said...

Way to go! 5k's are fun! I love running with my BOB! Good job on the time! You are awesome!

soliluna said...

This is great! Love it.