Sunday, April 4, 2010

Birthday Bash

Friday night we went to our first children's birthday party. My friend Liz's daughter Phoebe was turning 3 and the party was at Chuck E. Cheese. It set some pretty high standards for what a kids birthday bash should be like! There were tons of coins for everyone to play as many arcade games as you could handle, balloons, a cute cupcake tower that Liz made, party favors, presents and people galore. I'm just glad Sawyer is too young to remember so he doesn't expect as much for his 1st birthday or his second, third, fourth, etc. Sorry kid. But you're only getting a cake, a pinch to grow an inch, and a special bday spankin!

How do boys always know what to do with a steering wheel? He grabbed on immediately and started twisting and turning it like he was in the Nascar.

Sawyer, meet Chucky. No not the scary doll. Chuck E. who is equally as frightening. Especially the creepster mechanical one on stage whose googely crazy eyes blink and move around.

Introducing him to his first gun. He was so excited he nearly poked my eye out.

And look at all the tickets Daddy won for you! Oh wait, they aren't for you. Matt ended up winning 300+ tickets, but I think you can only buy a pencil top eraser with that many. Matt decided to give them to Liz's older daughter Kaylee who was trying to collect 1000 tickets. You should have seen the look of joy on her face when he handed over the bundle to her.

It was a fun night spent at a place we both hadn't been in years and years. My cousin Leisy who went there recently blogged that all Chuck E. Cheese's smell the same. I would have to agree. We decided it's a smell that's a combination of greasy pizza, metallic toys, and sweaty kids running around.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Thanks for the vivid smell description. I can't say I'm a fan of the rat. He creeps me out. Looks like y'all had fun though!