Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fun in the Sun

 With a yellow duck. 

Here ducky, ducky, ducky.
Got ya where I want ya. 

Mission accomplished. 

 Who knew duck hunting could be so tiring. 


Victoria said...

Look at your little Michelin man! I can't believe he's almost six months old.

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

That does look like FUN. He is sitting up really well. When does he get to go duck hunting again??

Shalee said...

How fun! I'm a tad jealous that you have so much sun and warm weather!! You've got yourself a cute little guy!

HowellAZ said...

Jett wants to come duck hunting next time! Too bad we don't live closer together. Hmmm, maybe we can solve that problem one of these days. Sawyer is getting to be a big boy. And congrats on the sleeping for 7 hours. I am working on cutting out his 3 a.m. snack. Last night he made it til 5 a.m. We'll get there...