A few weeks ago I decided to go see my Anatomy teacher who is a Doctor here in Simi to get some tests done. He specializes in Health and Wellness and does Blood Chemistry Analysis and stool testing (yep, a poop test). I have had stomach problems as long as I can remember and was hoping something would show up in my test results as to some kind of explanation. And boy oh boy did it! Right before we left to go to Idaho, Matt and I were both able to go in to have the Dr. go over all my results. Not only do I have low Hydrocholoric Acid which breaks down food, and low Panreatic enzymes which are crucial for digestion and absorption of food, but here's the real whammy....I am Gluten Intolerant! Go figure. I couldn't help but laugh when he said that.
I mean after all why not add one more thing to the list. I already know I'm allergic to DAIRY.....
Quite possibly eggs....
Soy I may be allergic too as well. Of course we did just purchase 10 cartons of Soy milk in the last month since I can't have milk. Looks like we might end up taking those back to exchange for Rice milk.
All this time my poor tummy has been trying to tell me it can't tolerate gluten. I guess I just never got the memo. My doctor's words of advice were "From this day forward you are NOT to have anything containing gluten. It is crucial to your health, because you are bordering Celiac's disease if you continue to eat this way."
In case you are wondering Gluten is...
"Gluten is a protein contained in the grains of wheat, barley, rye, and oats. It is a unique protein based on its structure that lends a doughy/elastic consistency to flours derived from these grains. Gluten sensitivity implies that there is an ongoing immune reaction to gluten in the diet, usually detected as antibodies against a subprotein of gluten called gliadin. Although there may be no detectable symptoms of the immune response to gluten, the typical symptoms people develop occur when the reaction begins to damage the intestines."
As soon as we got back from our weekend excursion we hit up Trader Joe's and loaded up on foods especially for me. Our eyes are being trained to look for labels such as these.
In the meantime I did a saliva test (gross I know, it consisted of spitting into little tubes) to see what other foods I might be allergic too so I know for sure. I really hope Soy isn't one of them so we don't have to take all those cartons back! It should be interesting to see what is on it. Hey as long as I'm not allergic to Chocolate or Matt, I guess I don't have much to complain about.
I'm sorry to hear that. I have a friend who recently found out she too is gluten intolerant (although I think she does have Celiac's Disease). It certainly limits what you will be able to eat and how often/where you eat out. Maybe that's a good thing? Hope that your new diet will be easier on your poor tummy!
Oh that's so sad! I guess that good news is that more and more products are gluten free. Poor tummy.
Boo on being allergic! I hope that it all gets figured out for you.
So sorry to hear. I know several people who are gleuten intolerant. Check into NAET (naet.com) a freind of mine has had great success with it.
On a cheerful note.. I saw your wedding pic on Ellen the other day! It made my day.
Oh my poor poor Kristin. Way to not let it get you down! I would just sit down and cry. all day. every day. :) On the other hand, something like that would be really good for me so that it would force me to eat better. :) Good luck - I'm glad you found out before it got too serious!
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