Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wednesday Update with....

 ...The newest little gummy bear to our family!
Next spring, early March, we will be bringing another Kprow baby home! 

We had our first doctor's appointment this morning and going off my LMP I should have been nine weeks, but I suspected I was closer to 10 and sure enough baby measured exactly 10 weeks, a little over an inch long from head to rump. Cutest little inch I've ever seen! It was a huge relief to see it's heartbeat was a strong and healthy 160bpm. Seeing the newest member of our family wiggle it's little nubbin arms and legs around was super cute and made it more of a reality that we are going to have another baby! We both have a hunch it's a boy baking in there and already have his name picked out ;)     

 I wasn't sure if our first appointment was ever going to get here, as time was crawling by so slowly due to the extreme nausea I experienced in the beginning. You can read earlier posts for explanation since I updated along the way, but I didn't want to 'officially' post about our pregnancy until our first ultrasound confirmed everything looked good. If you do go back and read about my lovely time with morning all-day-and-night-sickness I am sure I sound like a top notch complainer!!  That's okay though, I mainly documented my experience so that if for some reason down the road I get the crazy notion that baby #3 would be grand I can go back and read why that is such a bad idea :)  Update on the nausea front though is that I found that if I take whole Unisom at night that usually keeps me nausea free until 3 or 4 in the afternoon the next day and then I end up only having to take one, sometimes two, 8mg Zofran in the afternoon and evening. But I haven't thrown up in three days, wahoo!  

I want to take a cute photo of Sawyer holding the ultrasound tonight to post as an announcement on Facebook. Not sure if that's going to turn out or not, but it's worth a shot!

And for those who left me such sweet comments on my last post regarding my prior miscarriage thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers and kind words, they meant A LOT to me. 


rachel garber said...

EEEK! So excited for you!!!

The Nielsons said...

Glad you are feeling better and hope you continue to have a good pregnancy! A little girl would be so fun though...:)

Sven & Trin said...

Please share his name! I seemingly dislike all boy names right now. I need help.


You've been through a lot to get here and I'm so happy for you & your family!!! Congratulations!!!!! I hope you start feeling better soon!! I can't wait to see if your prediction is right & what name you have :)

Victoria said...

Congratulations again!