Friday, August 12, 2011

Wszystkiego najlepszego!

Bet you thought the title of this post "Wszystkiego najlepszego!" was Sawyer going crazy on the keyboard. Good guess and it certainly looks like it, but it really means Happy Birthday in Polish! While Matt's fam was in town we were able to celebrate his 31st birthday all together, in true summer style with a barbecue!

"My Dad's HOW old?!" 

 Matt's grandma made ribs, potatoes, baked beans and other fixings while Greg grilled everything outside on...Matt's brand new birthday barbecue! 

While the food was cooking Greg, Melissa, Sawyer, Matt and I went swimming at the neighborhood pool since it was in the high nineties. (Yep, the week they were here was the hottest week we've had thus far! Luckily the mornings were still cool enough that one morning we all went for a bike ride and were able to get a few walks in.) Once we got back from the pool, Sawyer entertained the rest of us by jumping on the couches and you guessed it,

 Melissa's air mattress too! 

Finally he wore himself out and decided to take a rest and watch the movie  'Cars' with Grandma Faye while the rest of us chowed down. 

After dinner Matt's mom brought out his ultimate favorite birthday cake a.k.a. Adam's Peanut Butter Fudge Ripple Cheesecake. Thankfully there is a Cheesecake Factory here in Boise now!

We were even able to get in a few family photos while we were all together in one place. And thanks to the timer and multiple shot setting on Greg's camera we caught one with even Sawyer looking.

 In just the nick of time too since he lately he goes from happy to M.A.D. in a matter of seconds. I swear two year olds have worse mood swings than a pre-teen girl. 

Here's a good one of Sawyer and his nana Carol. Check out those cute matching dimples! Thanks Greg for taking such great photos while you were visiting! 


kwriter said...

I cannot believe it has been a week since we hit the road to come back to LA! I miss you you all so much and am looking forward to seeing you at Christmas!!!

P.S. I cannot say I missed the LA traffic while I was gone. So much traffic, tailgating and roadway construction--yikes!!

HowellAZ said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun with family in town and a b-day celebration! I hope they all loved the beauty of Idaho in the summer!